Hey, I’m Rachel (She/Her)

I know it’s pretty rare to see a founder's face so soon on a website template shop, but I really wanted to chat with you. And pretty quickly, you’ll realize Wild Kind isn’t like other website template shops — we’re personal.

And that’s because I personally know what you’re going through. I’ve been the struggling founder forever chasing freedom, wondering if it was possible for me.

It wasn’t long ago that I was the one on the other side of the screen, scrolling and hoping for the secret to business success.

While I can’t promise you overnight success or multi-6-figures in 12 months, I can give you the remedy to your freebie-addicted, forgotten coffee, “just one more thing” business approach.

Because as someone who’s got a brain like a caffeinated squirrel (officially known as ADHD, but that’s way less fun), I know what it’s like trying to build a business as a neurodivergent, introvert, industry newbie, or simply an overly ambitious individual — because damn, this thing is hard no matter who you are.

My approach:

Simplify your business to elevate your life and say yes to more of what makes you *you*

I’m telling you with love that none of the shiny stuff your brain wants to gorge on will give you the freedom you crave. In reality, it’s this mental mess and emotional overwhelm that’s dragging you away from what you truly need:

Clarity, commitment, and a solid foundation you can rely on when the going gets tough, (because it does get tough — but it’s nothing that you can’t handle) and that’s what Wild Kind and our templates provide.

Forget the overnight success stories — I’m here to share the reality of building a creative business

Yes, it’s hard work. Yes, you’ll doubt yourself. Yes, it can be lonely and overwhelming. But achieving your personal dreams and having more freedom in your life is possible.

Our customers and community walk this road with us — the highs and lows of business. Together, we’ll move closer towards your lifestyle wish list. Whether your idea of freedom is long Italian summers or staying at home with your first pup, we’ll help you get there.

My idea of freedom? Walking country roads with my pup in search of the best pub lunch. And now I get to do that every Sunday (or Wednesday – that’s the beauty of entrepreneurship, eh?)

Take a trip down memory lane with me...


After falling out of a tree and breaking my ankle, I was forced to hit pause on life. Fueled by painkillers and a newfound motivation, I took a course on branding and was immediately hooked. I spent the rest of 2018 learning everything I could about running an online business.


I invested in a VA course to help me reach my goals faster, and started taking on freelance clients alongside my 9-5. After niching down my VA business to specialize in web design and strategy, I finally reached my “ditch the 9-5” goal and took the leap to go full time (best decision ever!).

first ever
  brand shoot!

I hired my first business coach to help me launch my template shop in March of 2020… right before the pandemic hit. I learnt a lot and made it work, but the year was definitely, well… a year.


After being diagnosed with ADHD, I realized I needed a slower pace of life to recover from burnout and went to live the digital nomad life in Crete. Turns out, sunshine, turquoise water, and location freedom make excellent therapy!

   from Crete

While 2022 wasn’t a year of flashy social media moments, it was a year of laying the groundwork for future growth. I took a pause from social media to focus on building even stronger systems and processes that power Wild Kind behind the scenes.


After years of dreaming about getting a four-legged companion, we finally adopted Bobo, the cutest Romanian rescue pup
(and made him a website, duh).


Since starting my online business, I’ve supported over 200 incredible creatives — all while working from my home in the beautiful South West UK (mostly in my pjs if I’m being honest).

What’s next for Wild Kind?

The Wild Kind template shop has just had a sparkly new brand refresh, and we’re constantly evolving to support you even better. Welcome to a new era of Wild Kind!

Behind the name

We’re for the Wild Kind

While not all of us are the “bellinis on the beach in Bali” kind of freedom-seekers, there has to be something a little wild about us to choose the path less taken, right?

We’re one of a kind with kindness at our core. That’s why we’re not a ‘buy & bye’ brand. From customizing your template to prioritizing your launch to-do list, we’re here for you.

While I’ve *kind of* been picturing us chatting at the kitchen table, sipping spicy margs (my signature drink), I know that’s not why you’re here. 

I’d hazard a guess that we’re not the only website template shop you have open right now...

You’re searching for the website template that’s going to make a real difference in your business without you having to sacrifice your savings or sanity, and you’re wondering which one is going to offer you stunning design, proven strategy, and a streamlined set up.

Would it be too cliche to say “you’re in the right place”?

Okay — yes it would. So, I’ll say this instead:

Wild Kind templates are your rock solid business foundation that impresses, nurtures, and guides clients to investing in you. Our templates free you from never-ending admin, wow your potential clients before you’ve said a word, and kick imposter syndrome to the curb.

Paired with one-on-one implementation and customization support (this is probably the only About Page you’ll read that says I love troubleshooting, like really love it), Wild Kind templates mean ticking off your 3-page to-do list & (finally) getting the tough stuff done.

The Templates. The Templates.

Oh, and one final thing —
I can’t let you leave without telling you this:

There’s power & possibility in
doing it yourself

I’ve been in this industry since 2019, and one thing I’ve never understood is why some people try to make others feel bad for choosing to DIY. As someone who’s all about empowerment, I’ll always celebrate resourcefulness and ambition.

Don’t get me wrong, outsourcing is awesome. But trust me, there’s something super satisfying about doing things yourself — especially if you’re someone who likes knowing how things work.

Instead of outsourcing your dreams, build the skills and confidence to tackle them yourself. That's the ultimate power move on your creative journey.



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“Working with Rachel has been a hugely uplifting experience. Not only has she designed me a website that is beautiful, easy to use and fully represents my new brand, she has also helped me to see my full potential and really believe in the success of my business.”

Self-Love Coach

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“I just had the most successful launch I’ve ever had, and it was largely thanks to all the work and support Rachel gave throughout the process. Because of her I’ve totally fallen in love with my work and business again. She has completely revolutionised my business.”

Author, Speaker + Love Coach

© Wild Kind 2024  |  Site Credits


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From $240

Wild Kind Showit templates — Giving you back the freedom you started your business for

Perfectly Nineties Italic
Urbanist Italic
Urbanist Semi Bold