Hey, I’m Rachel

Web designer + strategist, introverted ADHDer, and ambitious founder who thrives on simplifying things that really shouldn’t be *that* complicated.

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How to Market Your Business Without Relying on Social Media

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Jun 16, 2024

Social media isn’t part of my marketing strategy and I have no plans to change that anytime soon. In fact, up until a few months ago I hadn’t posted on Instagram for over 2 years. And guess what? My business still made sales.

When I first started my online business, I thought as long as I had a website up and running, people would find me and that everything would be a-ok with minimal input from me (bless my former naive self). I had to learn the hard way that “build it and they will come” is a myth.

But the good news is that there ARE ways to market your business without relying on social media. So if showing up “consistently” makes you want to toss your phone into the nearest body of water, this post is for you.

First things first though…

Marketing your business without social media starts with a great website

If you don’t have a website then I’ll assume that you love social media and are happy relying on that to drive traffic and generate sales for your business. But if you’re serious about marketing your business in a way that feels supportive, sustainable, and within your capacity as a (probably very busy) business owner, then you need a website that’s built to attract and convert.

(And I’d argue that even if you ARE happy using social media for your marketing, you still need a website anyway… but you knew that already, didn’t you?)

Your site needs to be set up to welcome, nurture, *and* keep people on your site by being beautifully designed, engaging, and strategic BEFORE any of these marketing methods can truly go to work for you. So as long as you already have a great website, you’re good to go.

If you DON’T have a great website and are looking for one that comes with all the strategy and support you could ever need, check out our website templates or shoot me a message if you want to chat about how to make sure your website is set up for success.

Now, onto the good stuff 👇🏻

Why conventional marketing methods don’t work for you

Marketing is often the hardest part of business for most entrepreneurs, especially if you’re a neurodivergent, introvert, industry newbie, or simply an overly ambitious individual.

I’m going to assume that you fall into at least one of those categories above, and I’m going to also go out on a limb and guess that, like me, you struggle with the concept of being consistent — especially on a platform that punishes you if you don’t keep up with a regular posting schedule.

Let’s be real — you didn’t start your business so you could become besties with your screen. As an introverted and highly ambitious neurodivergent (and former #girlboss hustler), I’d much rather be making homemade bread and reading books in the sunshine than forcing myself to go beyond my capacity for the sake of an algorithm.

Continually creating content and forcing yourself to “show up” is a surefire way to make yourself hate your business, especially when you’re prone to burnout (ask me how I know…)

Let’s get started on how you can market your business without using social media:

1. Pinterest

This is where the majority of our website traffic comes from (maybe you even found your way here from one of our pins?). One of the things I love about Pinterest is that it functions like a visual search engine, but with that familiar social media vibe (minus the constant pressure to chase down your audience).

Another thing that’s great about this marketing method? Once you create and pin something, it’s out there for the long haul. One of our best performing pins that still drives traffic to our site is over 4 years old!

Understanding your target audience and the kind of content they’re searching for is key

You can create pins showcasing your products or services, share blog posts and tutorials related to your industry, or even feature inspiring quotes and visuals. Remember, people are actively searching Pinterest for solutions, so make sure your pins offer valuable content they can relate to.

Here are some key tips for creating high-performing pins:

  • Aesthetics are key: Use high-quality, eye-catching images or infographics. B-roll type video of lifestyle content also perform really well on Pinterest.
  • Prioritize clarity: Write clear and concise titles and descriptions that use relevant keywords.
  • Target your audience: Organize your pins into well-defined boards that cater to your ideal customer’s interests.
  • Link strategically: Don’t just link to your social media profiles – direct users to your website for the full experience.

2. Blogging (& SEO)

Google loves websites that are updated regularly (tweaking your website design doesn’t count though, sorry!). Fresh, informative content is a major ranking factor for your SEO. The more valuable content you create, the higher your website climbs in search results, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

Blogging is a great way to achieve this. You can create a variety of engaging content that educates, entertains, and positions you as an authority in your industry. Think “how-to” guides, insightful listicles (“Top 10 Tools for…”) or industry news updates. And don’t be afraid to weave in personal stories and anecdotes — they make your content relatable and help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

But blogging is about more than just appeasing search engines

It’s a powerful tool for attracting new customers, establishing yourself as an expert, and building trust with your audience.

Take this post for instance — I could have written a generic “4 Ways to Market Your Business” piece, but instead, I tailored it specifically for people who are social media-averse. This specificity not only resonates better with the kind of people I vibe with (that’s you, hopefully!), but it also ties into my unique value proposition (websites that give you back the freedom you started your business for).


A great bonus of blogging is that if you do still want to post on social media (but without all of the pressure that comes from knowing it’s the only method you’re using to find clients), you can repurpose your blog content into bite-size lessons for social media captions or threads. You can even use it as the foundation for email newsletters, infographics, or even video scripts.

3. Email Marketing

Unlike social media platforms where you’re at the mercy of their algorithms, email marketing allows you to connect directly with people who have opted-in to receive your messages. This means you’re reaching a pre-engaged audience who are already interested in what you have to offer. Plus, YOU control the narrative — no character limits or disappearing stories here!

Provide value first, sell later

The key to successful email marketing lies in valuable content. Don’t just bombard your subscribers with sales pitches (that’s a surefire way to get people hitting the unsubscribe button).

Done right, email marketing can be a powerful conversion tool. By delivering valuable content right into people’s inboxes, you’ll nurture trust, establish yourself as an authority in your field, and build a loyal community around your brand. This translates to engaged subscribers who are more likely to open your emails, click through to your website, and ultimately become paying customers.

The key to successful email marketing is building a strong email list and the best way to do that is by offering an incentive for people to sign up. This could be a free download, an exclusive discount code, or access to a subscriber-only newsletter.

Here are some tips for crafting emails that get opened, read, and acted on:

  • Master your subject lines: A catchy subject line is crucial for getting your emails opened. Keep it concise, informative, and intriguing.
  • Give value first, sell later: Focus on providing value to your subscribers before diving into sales pitches. Offer helpful content, answer their questions, and establish yourself as an expert.
  • Personalization is key: Personalize your emails whenever possible. Use subscribers’ names, segment your list based on interests, and send targeted content that resonates with them.
  • Keep it clean and clear: Use a clean and easy-to-read email format. Break up your text with visuals, keep your paragraphs concise, and make sure your call to action is clear and compelling.

We love using Flodesk for all our emails. It’s incredibly user-friendly, with stunning drag-and-drop design features that make creating beautiful emails a breeze. (By the way, if you decide to try Flodesk, you can use my affiliate link to save 50% on your first year!)

Flodesk is an easy-to-use email marketing platform. It's a great option for marketing your business without social media.

4. Word of Mouth (AKA referrals)

Sometimes the most powerful marketing tool you have is right under your nose — your past clients! Word-of-mouth marketing fueled by genuine recommendations is a great way to reach new audiences.

Successful word-of-mouth marketing comes from delivering exceptional service

Go the extra mile, and show them you truly care about their success. This will help you grow genuine relationships with your clients, and turn satisfied customers into enthusiastic brand advocates.

If the idea of reaching out for referrals feels intimidating, remember, you’re not asking for a handout — you’re simply offering a chance for your happy clients to spread the word about a service they loved.

Here are some tips for reaching out to past clients for referrals:

  • Be genuine and grateful: Express your appreciation for their past business and highlight the positive experience you shared. E.g. “I was just thinking of clients I truly enjoyed working with, and you immediately came to mind!”
  • Make it easy for them to say yes: Don’t pressure them. Simply explain you’re looking to connect with new clients and ask if they know anyone who might benefit from your services.
  • Offer an incentive (optional): If it feels right, consider offering a small incentive for successful referrals. This could be a discount for their next project, a gift card, or a donation to their favorite charity.

Here’s an example of a script to get you started:

“Hi [Client Name],

I was just thinking back on some of my past projects, and you came to mind as I really enjoyed working with you.

I wanted to thank you again for trusting me with [what they hired you for]. It was a real pleasure to work with you, and it was the most [insert description of something about your work together].

I’m looking to connect with new clients who might benefit from my expertise in [your area of service], and I was wondering if you know of anyone who could be a good fit? I would love more clients who are [insert description of something you like about your past client] like you.

Any referrals you can send my way would be incredibly appreciated. Of course, if there’s anyone you think might be interested, I’d be happy to answer any questions they might have. Please feel free to make an email introduction by copying me in.

And of course, if there’s anything I can do in return, please don’t hesitate to ask!


[Your Name]”

Remember, the key is to be authentic, make it easy for them to help, and express your genuine gratitude. You might be surprised by some of the responses you get. Most people actually love to help and like being paid a compliment that you enjoyed working with them!

The key to avoiding burnout when using marketing strategies without social media

My advice is to pick one of these 4 methods to start with and trial it for a month or 2. Treat it like a little science experiment, and after rolling with it for a while, you can try adding in another method — but, here’s the key: ONLY once the first method has become sustainable for you.

If you’re tempted to experiment with too many methods at once, I invite you to step back and take a look at how your current marketing efforts are going. If you have a pattern of taking on too much, getting overwhelmed and then panicking because you still haven’t made any progress or seen the results you were hoping for, maybe it’s time to remove something from your plate and double down on just one of these methods and give it your full attention.

As with most things these days, there are plenty of people on the internet who will tell you that you need to do this one proven secret thing and that if you don’t you’re missing out and will be poor, stuck, and miserable forever. (I’m kidding, but I think you probably know the kinds of posts I’m on about).

You can ignore those people. YOU get to decide how marketing your business feels for you. After all, that’s why you got into this in the first place, right? You make the rules and you don’t need another “online expert” telling you what decisions you should make about how you run your business, and ultimately, your freedom.

Since using these marketing methods in my own business and reducing the pressure to post on socials, I recently decided to start posting on Instagram again (very casually, I might mention). And it’s actually feeling kind of fun again (also I have a dog now and I feel like I’m doing the world a disservice by not sharing his cute little face, you know?). But social media is not part of my marketing strategy, and it doesn’t have to be part of yours either.

So if like me, you’re tired of trying to keep up with an algorithm that doesn’t give you enough back for the amount of energy it takes from you, try some of these methods to grow your business and get eyeballs on your work.

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Hey, I’m Rachel

Web designer + strategist, introverted ADHDer, and ambitious founder who thrives on simplifying things that really shouldn’t be *that* complicated.

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Doing more means believing more

That’s the approach we take to doing it yourself

While DIY-ing your website might not be at the top of your wish list — “I thought this business was about giving me freedom, not taking it away?”  — the confidence and freedom you’ll feel after is SO worth it.

Customization isn’t just the job of making your website look pretty and waving over your ideal clients to come admire it (although it 100% does that).
Customizing your online home is the ultimate empowering mindset activity to prove to yourself how capable you are.

Capable of doing hard things, moving like the big brands, and providing for your business

And that capability will turn into confidence — confidence that spreads across your business and life.

DIY is a gift, and we’re here to help you make the most out of it.

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